Mayor of Maracaibo to expropriate abandoned premises in the city center


The mayor of Maracaibo, by a notice published in the press, announced this Thursday, November 29 to all owners of abandoned premises located in the central area of ​​Maracaibo.

"To the owners, the owners and in general to all those who have an interest in the property of the buildings located in the central area, especially those located on Comercio Street between avenues 2 and 8, which are in a state of repair. total or partial abandonment, that the Municipality of Maracaibo initiated the process of expropriation of the aforementioned buildings, after having made the corresponding assessment ".

They reported that those interested in more information, owners of premises in this area or directly interested, go to the Municipal Union of Maracaibo, located on the sixth floor of the building of the Municipal Palace of the City Hall from Maracaibo, on Obispo Avenue. Loop with 96 street, in front of Plaza Bolívar.

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