Measles increased to 114.30% in one year


July 8, 2018 – 15h05

The number of confirmed cases of measles reached 2,285 between the 26 weeks of 2017 and the first 22 weeks of 2018, according to the report of the United States. seventh alert of the epidemic, published by the Venezuelan Society of Public Health and the National Epidemiological Defense Network. The figure means that patients with measles increased by 114.30% nationwide.

"In 26 weeks of 2017, the number of confirmed cases was 727. While in the first 22 weeks of 2018, cases reach 1,558. Among these, 654 between epidemiological weeks 15 and 22, for a total of 2,285 confirmed cases, "says the alert, based on information provided by the Ministry of Health to WHO and PAHO June

Entities reporting The highest incidence rates are Delta Amacuro, Bolívar, Distrito Capital and Miranda.The confirmed cases at Delta Amacuro have been notified in the municipalities of Antonio Díaz, Pedernales and Tucupita, according to the bulletin of the organizations of The highest incidence rates were recorded in the parishes of Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa, with 3,320 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Pedernales, with 1,466 per 100,000 inhabitants, and Juan Millán, with 527 case per 100,000 inhabitants.

The indi that the new data indicate that the national rapid response plan, which states the formation of teams, the implementation 'Until now, the outbreak of measles in development has exceeded the impact of case and spread more widely than the one that occurred 15 years ago. , And represents a proven threat to public health of international importance. In these circumstances, it was essential to urgently strengthen a new rapid response plan, with effective vaccination of the population at risk, which was announced in late April 2018 ; For this, it was essential to ensure the number of extraordinary campaign vaccines, which should be developed in the coming months, throughout the national territory, "he says. The bulletin points out that, however, the shortage of vaccines available at the moment prevents an effective response, which is a source of concern for the population and specialists of Venezuelan scientific societies.

The document also warns that the accelerated spread of the epidemic to neighboring countries of Venezuela, facilitated by the mass exodus of people from Venezuela to these countries and the precarious nutritional, economic and social conditions of emigrants.

El Nacional

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