Meghan Markle breaks the protocol by talking about abortion | Trade | World | News


Meghan Markle was the center of a new controversy breaking the protocol of British kingship during his last visit to Ireland in which she was "happy" with the decriminalization of abortion in this country

The Sussex Dukes, Harry and Meghan, completed their 24-hour visit to Ireland on Wednesday, the first they made to a foreign country since their wedding last May. . The trip was not without controversy

In the capital Dublin, they attended an exclusive dinner at the residence of the British ambassador, Robin Barnett, where they discussed with various personalities of the Irish society.

The criticism began when MP Catherine Noone, who attended the event, posted on her social networks that she had talked about the abortion with the Duchess.

Ireland voted in late May to reform the Constitution to liberalize current abortion legislation. More restrictive and controversial in Europe.

"The Duchess and I talked about the referendum, she was very interested and happy with the result," Noone said in a first article.

Accessing British royalty and giving him the "yes I want" to the second son of the heir to the throne, Meghan Markle had to learn the protocol and make some changes in his life: to erase his accounts in social networks to To initiate the procedures to obtain British citizenship.

Among the obligations that he must fulfill, he points out that no member of the British royal family is allowed to talk about politics of the XVII century, a protocol that violated in taking position relative to abortion. 19659009] The message has been corrected in a new post that replaced the previous post in MP Noone's Twitter account.

However, Meghan Markle was not far from the controversy because pro-abortion activist Vicky Phelan also attended event and commented in statements that turned the European press around: "Meghan followed my story and encouraged me to keep fighting. "

The Duchess of Sussex was characterized for having respected the standards of royalty in a manner not as strict as her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, since she does not aspire to ascend the nobility of the # 39; England.

During the same trip to Ireland she revealed that she also throws Series "Costumes", in which he worked for seven years, according to Vanity Fair magazine

Source: Agencies

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