Meghan Markle provokes controversy over his position on abortion | who


The Duchess of Sussex has had delays in the protocol that she must follow as a member of the British royal family, but it seems that she has just committed the most serious, up to the date of her death. now.

The attention continues, and will continue for a long time, centered on Meghan Markle, the new member of the British royal family and the wife of one of its members the most popular and loved ones, Harry

. for breaking the protocol and making mistakes in official acts have brought to light, but this time, has she pronounced in favor of abortion? Well, that was the saying of an Irish MP and already put Meghan in trouble because no real member should talk about politics in public .

It turns out that, during his first official visit to Ireland, a country that has just decriminalized abortion, Harry and Meghan attended a dinner offered by the & # 39; 39, British ambassador at home, Personalities of sport to culture, politics and the deputy Catherine Noone .

Politics posted on their social networks that it had been a pleasure for her to meet ucs of Sussex and added: "The Duchess and I talked about the referendum, [19659007wasshown very interested and pleased with the result. "That was enough for the tweet to become viral, and the controversy came as a result. </ p> <p> For its part, Noone had to delete the publication and in publishing a new one in which he retracted the previous one: "(That was) a little discussion and the Duchess did not want to comment, but it was charming because my first post was not understood I decided to delete it.

However, there was no shortage of users who captured the tweet to share it.

Since the seventeenth century, members of the Royal Family have been banned from publicly speaking about politics something that Meghan did while he was in politics. she was single, but obviously can not do more, and that should be very well known Noone MP so we wonder why he posted this tweet on Meghan precisely on a controversial topic. needed to bring more attention and sympathy to the 39, legal abortion, focus on himself or simply discredit Meghan


Up to here the royal family did not reign ] in this regard to clarify and deny MP Noone.

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