Meghan Markle's father against his daughter: I will not shut up


The father of the Duchess of Sussex, Thomas Markle, again made comments against his daughter and British royalty, publicly denouncing that at that time he did not no connection with his son. his daughter and who was excluded " cruelly " from his life.

Thomas, who was a renowned lighting director of American television and who now lives in Mexico, has not spoken since more than two months ago with Meghan Markle . " I am very hurt that he took me out of his life I had a habit of having a phone number and a number to send text messages that were provided by royalty, but after saying a few critical words about how the royal family changed to Meghan, they took me out of their lives ", has Thomas said in a conversation with the Daily Mail newspaper.

The man said that the numbers were disconnected and no longer work for this reason he can no longer communicate with her. "Her birthday is August 4th and I want to send her a card, but if I send her to Kensington Palace … she never sees her."

Thomas admits that he is confused by the contradictory messages he received from Harry and Meghan, who expressed to him that he should not apologize for the photos that he has accepted with the paparazzi, but it was called from the palace to help prepare a public apology

"The sad thing about all of this is that l & # 39; next year Meghan and Harry will have a baby and I will be a grandfather, and if we do not talk to each other I will not be able to see my baby.

Thomas says that he was offended when someone from royalty contacted him to tell him how to apologize, "as if I were a child," he said.

Meghan s'. is angry at him for saying that she and Harry wanted to have a child born . "But she's been saying it for six or seven years, how much she wants to have a family, Harry says it too, ( …) may If I say it, I'm persona non grata, "he argues in the English newspaper.

Also, a few days before the royal wedding an economic agreement was made public by the father of the duchess with a paparazzi agency to take some pictures.

The half-sisters of the former American actress made statements to the press in which they criticized the prince's fiancée and even asked him not to marry her: this whole situation fractured the father-daughter relationship .

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