Meghan Markle's father worries about his daughter: "I think she's terrified"


The father of Prince Harry's new wife gave an interview in which he says worry about his daughter.

The father of Meghan Markle,
Thomas Markle gave the second part of an exclusive interview to a British media outlet in which he said how much he worried about the mental and emotional health of his daughter. "What's going on with my daughter right now is that she's terrified," she said.

In an interview for The Sun, the father of the all-new princess was consistent and clear with what happened to Meghan. What
He married Prince Harry. "I see him in his eyes, I see him in his face and I see him in his smile, I've seen her smile for years, I know that she's smiling, I do not like what I see now, it's not even a theatrical smile, it's a "I'm really worried, I think it's under too much pressure, there's a high price to pay to be married to this family, "he added, and criticized the royal dress code his daughter is forced to follow." Why in 2018 we dressed like in the 1930s, why do they have to cover themselves Knees? ", he asked.

The father says that after the big royal wedding, he could only speak on the phone that day" Since the first interview, the phone number that I Calls no longer works and there is no address possible, so I have no way to contact my daughter, "she complained.

  In May this year, Meghan Markle she married Prince Harry and from that moment she does not speak to her father
In May of this year, Meghan Markle married Prince Harry and since then she has not spoken with her father [19659007] I love you, I miss you, I am sorry for everything that went wrong, and I want to be the grandfather of your son and I want to be close to them, I want to be part of of their life, I want to leave our differences behind me. ", he said in air.

On the other hand, last month, a source told the international newspaper
AND that the relationship of Meghan and Harry with Thomas is "fractured".

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