Meghan's father thinks his daughter is terrified


By Agencia EFE
15/07/2018 | 9:34

The father of the Duchess of Sussex, Thomas Markle, revealed today that he had no contact with his daughter, who thinks herself "terrified" and "under too much pressure" by the British royal family.

An interview published today in The Sun Sunday, Markle, 73, said that the phone that he calls his daughter "does not work" and that he "does not". has no way of contacting her "

. Prince Henry's wife is said to be "very worried" for Meghan, who does not recognize him.

"I've seen her smile for years, I know her smile, I do not like what I see now, it's pain",

Markle, who n & rsquo; Did not attend her daughter's link on May 19 to Windsor Castle to recover from an operation, said "you have to pay a high price" to be married to the British royal family.

In addition, she pointed out that, in her opinion, the clothes her daughter now wears are "cleared away." "

" Meghan looks like something from an old movie. Why in 2018 you have to dress like in 1930? Why do you have to cover your knees? He asked, "I do not blame Enrique or anyone, but these are rules that make no sense to me," he said saying that he felt "sorry." "To be able to show no emotion."

Markle explained that the reason for the "rejection" of the royal family stems from the controversy as a result of which he accepted some photos with some "paparazzi" and tried to take advantage of it.

Something that does not make sense to him when "half of Britain seems to make a fortune selling pictures" of her daughter and her husband, "are they rejected?"

Similarly, the Duchess's father regretted the ex-wife Doria Rangland was the only family member who attended Meghan's wedding and criticized that she would be sitting "alone".

"I should have been there, everyone says I was too terrified to walk with her to the altar I was ready to do it." Had a written speech, Meghan was absolutely beautiful. "

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