Mexico: AMLO will avoid addressing the wall issue when meeting Pompeo | news


The newly elected Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said Tuesday that the border wall issue with the United States. He is "off schedule" at the meeting that will be held with the team of the state secretary of the neighboring country, Mike Pompeo.

López Obrador assured that US President Donald Trump was "very respectful" not to address the issue "and He said that he did not want to go ahead and that". he was sure that there were other issues to be dealt with, especially those related to "the basic solution to the problem." For his part, the next Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, said that the issue of the wall is not on the agenda, since "what is sought is an understanding."

These statements take place the day before the meeting between the Mexican elected president and the US Secretary of State, along with other members of the White House, to be held next Friday.

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