Mhoni Seer makes revelations about the next red moon


The next July 27 will be performed a celestial phenomenon commonly called Red Moon in which the natural satellite will be completely obscured, due to the alignment of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, and it is estimated that it lasts almost two hours

The total eclipse of the Moon, considered the longest of the 21st century will have very important consequences for the humanity, according to Mhoni Seer

"Remember that the 27th of July is a very important day for everyone and more for the Mexicans, remember that this is the Moon of Blood, that means in Bible questions that they come Very important changes for all of us and that will be a radical change for the countries of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Argentina; these countries will be renewed in every way and will leave behind them all the problems in wars or bad gobi ernos, "said Cuban in his section of the program Hoy.

"But Mexico will be completely reborn on July 27, gentlemen, we will have 13 years of Abundance and God and the Virgin Mary will grant us that, just we must give time because we can not do everything right away. Remember that you must always take care of money and love now, "he added. He also pointed out that does not concern the end of the world so he asked not to worry, "we just have to be more in communion with God and the Virgin Mary … will give a change radical in the questions of positive energy "pointed out a few days ago that his prediction of an earthquake in Mexico has been fulfilled.

This phenomenon will be appreciated in all its splendor by those living in Africa, the Middle East, India, Australia and in parts of Europe.





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