Microsoft announces profits of over $ 16 billion


LOS ÁNGELES. Microsoft closed its 2018 fiscal year with a net profit of $ 16,571 million, or 35% less than the previous year, in which it earned $ 25,489 million, mainly due to the impact of extraordinary tax provisions related to the reform of the United States

The technology company based in Redmond, Washington, has allocated in the last twelve months to this section of provisions 19,903 million dollars, while the previous year in had reserved 4,412 million.

On the other hand, Microsoft's revenue over the last year amounted to $ 110,360 million, 14.3% more than the same figure of 2017, when he recorded 96,571 million.

From April to June, which represents the fourth quarter Microsoft accounts, the company realized $ 8.873 million in net profit, compared with $ 8.069 million in the same period the previous year .

In the same way, the income of Micr In the past three months, the business turnover of $ 30,085 million, or more than the 25 605 of the same quarter of 2017.

With these results, Microsoft shareholders recorded $ 1.14 per share in the last quarter, a figure that exceeded the expectations of Wall Street analysts, who predicted a profit of 1 , $ 08.

The head of Microsoft also noted that investments in cloud technology, one of the bets for the future of the company, they are paying off.

In the last twelve months, smart cloud revenue was $ 32,219 million, compared to $ 27,407 million earned in fiscal 2017.

Other Microsoft had $ 35,865 million in Business Process and Productivity, compared to $ 29,870 million in the same segment in 2017; and reached 42.276 million revenue in the box "more than personal computing", a figure higher than the 39.294 million the year before.


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