Microsoft discovers Russian phishing attacks against three US election campaigns


  MicrosoftSign According to the multinational, the attacks belong to the same group that hacked the DNC two years ago.

A week ago, the US Department of Justice formally accused 12 members of the Russian secret service and three Russian companies to interfere during the US elections in 2016. Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to work jointly with the US government to create a cybersecurity group to investigate the Russian interference in the elections.

Now, New Controversy Tom Burt, Vice President of Client Security and Trust of Microsoft, revealed that they had been following the new campaign with a group he is supposed to be operated by the GRU, the Russia's largest foreign intelligence agency. In other words, these three candidates are targeted by the same organization that infiltrated the DNC and Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

In fact, one of the 12 officials was charged with Broke into the state council "We saw the Russians attacking our democracy in 2016 and we know that they are a threat in 2018, 2020 and beyond," he said. he says. Burt. "The president is not taking the problem seriously and Republicans in the House of Representatives are refusing to increase funding for electoral security."

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