Mike Pence attributes economic growth to Trump's "leadership"


Vice President, Mike Pence today attributed his country's good economic data, reflected in the GDP growth data released on Friday, to the "leadership" of the president. , Donald Trump when it comes to "renegotiating" international trade relations

"I think this has been a reaction to our president's firm leadership in renegotiating our relationship." Business, "said Mr. Pence. "Sunday Morning" from Fox News.

The government announced Friday that the US economy was accelerating at an annual rate of 4.1% in the second quarter of 2018 the highest rate since 2014, a figure that Trump himself even called "incredible". [Pleins feux sur les chiffres] Pence said Sunday that this "is only the beginning" of a period of growth for the US economy and stressed that these results largely meet the expectations of the US economy. increase in exports, which, according to him, is not due to "an anomaly" but to the current policy of the government.

Exports contributed 1.06 percentage points to the quarter's growth.

the Vice President defended the current protectionist policy of the White House as a strategy to achieve what he called "free, fair and reciprocal" trade relations.

In this sense, Pence was referring to the recent compromise reached on Thursday by Trump and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, whom he described as "real progress"

"We have made a breakthrough this week with the EU.Now the United States and the EU will start working on a zero levy agreement and zero tariff barriers that will open trade between them", was -he adds.

Finally, the Republican mentioned the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. (NAFTA), about which he was optimistic but did not want to give specific dates

"We will renegotiate NAFTA in a way that will be a victory for American workers and farmers", he promised. , b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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