Minister Iris Varela: "We have an unparalleled penitentiary service, it is the best system in the world"


This Sunday, July 15, during his participation in the show "José Vicente, Hoy", broadcast on Televen, with the journalist José Vicente Rangel, the Minister of Popular Power for the Prison, Iris Varela, underlined the progress and achievements in penitentiary affairs that have been accomplished in 7 years of management. "I can tell the Venezuelan people and the world that we have an unprecedented penitentiary service and that I dare to say that it is the best system in the world."

The head of the penitentiary portfolio pointed out that since the beginning of the prison ministry, remarkable achievements have been accomplished, and one of them is the establishment of the new regime in prisons of the country, a project that gave prisoners the opportunity to freedom to join a new life with education, sport, culture, discipline and work; enabling the transformation and inclusion of internal and internal. "Since prisoners are incorporated into the new prison system, we can say that there is no recidivism, and it's very important because it's a sample of the work that's going on." is done. "

Varela He recalled that since the establishment of the new penitentiary regime on July 26, 2011, it has been possible to establish a new 100% system in the female annexes and the entities to the Attention of adolescents in conflict with criminal law; and in 99% of the penitentiary centers for adult men in the country, equivalent to 95 penitentiaries. "Here an impeccable work has been done, where the deprived of liberty has the opportunity to claim, through a cycle of transformation conceived in a model of discipline, where he practices physical exercises under the modality of the closed order, which he helped pacify and guide this human being, and learn to listen, to comply with orders, "he said.

He stressed that only five prisons are needed to pacify, but that they are already in transition and will soon be part of the New Penitentiary Regime, which are: The Penitentiary Center of Aragua, known as Tocorón, the Monagas Judicial Detention Center, known as the Prison La Pica, the Los Llanos Penitentiary Center (Cepello), the Bolívar Judicial Retention Center (Vista Hermosa), and the José Antonio Anzoátegui Judicial Detention Center, known as the Puente Ayala Prison.

The senior official profited opportunity to demonstrate the progress made with the prison security system (Sitesep), which offers the possibility of real-time and permanent monitoring of penitentiary centers under the new regime, in order to achieve greater control, allowing an immediate response to the needs of the prison population. "This system has been activated and is gradually being installed in different prisons of the country, with advanced technology."

Penitentiary Production

During the interview, Minister Iris Varela highlighted the work that has developed in the penitentiary centers with the launch of the "Plan Agroindustrial Penitentiary 2018" , which connects the country's penitentiary centers with different government agencies for the creation and development of socio-productive units in different agricultural areas. This plan has been in place since the beginning of February, in accordance with the directives of President Nicolás Maduro, in the attention to social policies and the search for the development of a productive economy. "From the penitentiary ministry are developing productive projects to convert the country's penitentiary centers into large industries and factories, with a view to promoting the development of the productive economy that Venezuela needs," Varela said.

. He also highlighted the work done in the framework of the Hogares de Paz Eco-Socialist Plan, which has been developed in various states of the country, where prison labor is directly related to the population. Remodeling and repairing houses and their surrounding areas, which lead to large-scale production, in these communities.

An important example is the Atarraya project, where the construction of Eco-Boulevard is launched. Tourist "Ali Primera", which will be inaugurated on October 31 in the community of Tiraya, with the aim of promoting tourism in the state of Falcó n. Where they have built different kiosks, a collection center, a bakery, a restaurant and an amphitheater with an acoustic hull, for the attention of tourists and visitors.

Police Detention Centers

Varela, He also pointed out that the Ministry of Penitentiary Service is working on the development of the seven strategic lines that President Nicolás Maduro undertook to provide and provide greater protection and social security for Venezuelan families.

He also indicated that he has the purpose of developing a manual with all the rules and regulations, so that mayors and governors can attend with greater willingness to the deprived of their liberty, who are in detention centers.

He pointed out that one of the projects that are generated by this government entity and which includes the participation of the National Fund for Penal Facilities (Fonep), is the design and planning of the infrastructure of the spaces that police detention centers have. "This will be a contribution we will make to the mayors and governors who need it, and that they will always need it, so that they can have in decent conditions the detainees who are detained there." [19659002] Varela pointed out that the problem in police detention centers is not because the penitentiaries of the country, are in a situation of overcrowding. "All penitentiary centers and women's annexes with the country's new penitentiary system have appropriate spaces."

Similarly, he denied the rumors that these problems are generated by the lack of transfers by the Ministry of Prison Service. "I can demonstrate with a number in hand, thanks to the fact that I have a unique transfer authority, which we have provided so far this year, more than a thousand quotas to police detention agencies, so that the prisoner is transferred, and sometimes seven days pass and they do not assume that, because of the mafias who get in the way, to extort money from this prisoner. "

also pointed out that "in police detention centers A lot of debauchery, and often deprived of liberty, does not pay to be transferred to prisons, because in these places they have to adapt to the disciplinary rules

Minister Iris Varela called on the judicial branch to assist and examine what is happening with the delay of proceedings. He indicated that the Ministry of Services Prisoners were complying with the transfer of detainees to the required procedural steps, but often because of the lack of coordination between the actors involved in the judicial process (judges and prosecutors), they are not assisted, which is the main problem of bringing cases to the courts of the country. "We as a prison service, we take the prisoners, for the hearings, and sometimes it happens that they are left in the dungeons of the courthouse and they do not download them in the courtrooms. "

As a way to do them When prisoners were taken care of in the courts, Varela issued instructions to officials of this ministerial body publicly. "My order for all Prison Service Officers, is that any transfer that is subject to the consent of a court order, because its hearing is fixed, and untreated, is left in court until the what it is heard, after we take care of it. "

Inaugurations to come

Minister Iris Varela took advantage of the l 39; the occasion to announce the next inauguration, in the state of Zulia, of a new detention center, which will be named "Francisco Javier Delgado Rosales", in commemoration of a prominent penitentiary and criminologist Zuliano. This enclosure is located in the former pre-trial detention center of "El Marite", spaces that were ceded by the state government.


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