Minister Jaua calls for strengthening education as a reference for solidarity and identity


Venezuelan education should be strengthened as a reference for patriotism, solidarity, love and identity, said Wednesday the Minister of People's Power for Education, Elias Jaua

"You are always in high school, in school, in the teacher, in the teacher, in the students who put everything, every day to do the same. Venezuelan public education a reference of solidarity, love, patriotism, identity I feel every day more proud of Venezuelan public education, its teachers, its teachers, its educators , its workers and students, "he said at the graduation ceremony of 396 Venezuelans. transmitted by VTV, was held at Casa Andrés Bello, located at the corner of Salas, downtown Caracas, where they also issued 38 certificates of the Institute of Socialist Education and Training (Inces) .

Robinson Mission, Designed and Conducted 15 years ago, Commander Hugo Chávez successfully eradicated illiteracy in Venezuela. With the slogan "I can do it" and thanks to the support of Cuban facilitators, who have brought their teaching method to Venezuela, nearly two million people have been trained.

This program has also been recognized by the United Nations. United for Education, Science and Culture (Unesco), which certified Venezuela as a country without illiteracy in 2005.

The Ribas mission was created in 2003 by the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, to promote medium and diversified free training. On November 17 of the same year, the first 400,000 students in this social program began teaching. AVN

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