"Miss Venezuela showed what treatment I had inflicted"


Oscar Wilde said that "beauty is a form of genius, superior, in truth, to genius, because it does not need explanation (…). has his divine right of sovereignty "and after seeing Sthefany Gutiérrez (Barcelona, ​​1999) at one of his first meetings with the press, there is no choice but to give his reason to the Irish writer.

Thursday night, friends, Globovisión and L & # 39; universal they waited more than three hours for the queen who looks like the incarnation of Pocahontas. Some were even willing to leave when he climbed to the second floor of the Favola restaurant in Caracas, leaving everyone speechless.

In the case of these gentlemen, fatigue and boredom gave way to a silence that became the contemplation of the law student of the University Santa María de Puerto La Cruz, which together with his only smile, soothed the mood.

– Have you seen your coronation as Miss Universe imminent?

-I thought it was true throughout the contest, I thought we could get there despite the difficulties, despite everything that happened to us at Miss Universe, but I'm happy with what we've accomplished, being in The top 3 in a contest where 94 women participated is not easy, it's a feat that looks almost like a crown and more than what your teammates tell you: "You had to win, for me you were the winner". And second, to find myself in networks with messages in which they tell me: "We love you, you are our sentimental queen, our universal queen". It motivates me to continue working.

-Have you reviewed the series of questions? Are you satisfied with your answer? If I had to change something about your participation, what would it be?

-No, I did not see it, but I am totally satisfied with my answer. There were a lot of people in the arena.

-I was very excited.

-Yes, because I would never have imagined having so many public m? Encouraging. It was awesome. My family was not there, only three friends and every time I left, they shouted as if it was Thailand, the host country. Moreover, before putting a music, I do not know what volume.

-What music was this?

– A merengue from Elvis Crespo and I heard the screams. I was a little stunned, so I did not quite hear the question, but I did what it was and that is why I replied like that and if I answered again, I would answer the same thing: thanks to my family, I am a constant woman and they have taught me this work worthy of us

– There are many things that are said on social networks. What agreement did Miss Venezuela have after Osmel Sousa's departure from his presidency?

-For anyone is a secret to me that after the departure of Osmel, I have experienced a very big transition in the public eye. I consider that in social networks more than comments, the truth is shown. I, Sthefany, can not tell you if they treated me well or badly when they themselves showed what treatment they had given me. They fulfilled their responsibility to take me to Miss Universe as an organization, they paid their deductible, they covered my expenses, what they were entitled to. From there, thank God, I had a work team that supported me and never left me alone on this road because it's not just : "the girl leaves and now". Behind that, there is a preparation and many things without which I would not have been able to realize it.

– They canceled your salary for Miss Venezuela?

– (laugh) What happens is that it is controversial, more than any other, because of the situation in which we find ourselves in the country, with all this change of currency, that 39 it is a sovereign bolivar or a strong bolivar. I do not know if they paid me or not.

– Have you completed all your commitments with the organization? Do you have any commitment with Venevisión?

– My contract with Venevisión indicated that it was ending a year after my coronation and that I had a successor, they had already chosen a new Miss Venezuela and, therefore, my contract had already ended with the 39; organization.

-What are your immediate plans?

– For the beginning of the year 2019, study first the proposals that are proposed to me to see how they are presented to me and how they are beneficial for my life. Second, analyze the possibility of continuing my career here or outside of Venezuela, depending on the work I have to do because, at age 19, I want to be an independent woman instead of being a burden to my parents, a helper for my family.

-How would you like them to remember Sthefany Gutiérrez?

-I want you to remember me as a 19 year old girl who came to Miss Universe with the intention of raising the name of Venezuela and bringing it together, and she succeeded! I would like you to remind me with great humility and with that noble heart that Venezuelans have, with the desire to work and to go forward. @yolimer

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