Möise calls for calm after stopping the fuel increase in Haiti | news


The President of Haiti, Jovenel Möise on Saturday called his compatriots to leave the streets of the capital, where there were protests against the increase in fuel prices, arrested by the Executive on the day of his order

In a message to the nation broadcast on state television, Möise pointed out that he had already "corrected what needed to be corrected", referring to the increase agreed with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ), which was arrested ipso facto .

At least three people have been killed since demonstrations began in Port-au-Prince on Friday. Since Saturday, gasoline has increased by 49%, diesel (diesel) by 40% and kerosene by more than 50%.

A man crosses a barricade on fire in Port-au-Prince on Friday, July 6th. Photo: AP

"As soon as you spoke, I heard," he said in his twenty-minute speech, accompanied by his wife . "Now go back home, the police and justice will take control to clean the streets," he insisted.

The Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant had informed of the suspension of the measure notice via your Twitter account. He added that "violence and democracy are incompatible concepts."

However, the decision did not alleviate the demonstrations in the streets, since in areas of the capital like Delmas, Lalué, Nazon, Champs-de-Mars, Canapé-Vert and Carrefour, the barricades burned and the detonations of automatic weapons were heard, reports the agency EFE .

>> Haiti suspends rising fuel prices after protests

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