Morales surgery was in the throat, now he recovers


The tumor that was extracted to President Evo Morales last Tuesday in the Cuban Collaborator's clinic in La Paz – in agreement with several sources that confirmed this medium – was located in the throat, in the same area where it was found. last year extracted a nodule and for which he had to go to Havana.

Morales appeared yesterday, for the first time in public after his speech, in the final phase of the ninth version of the Student Games held in Shinahota. 19659002] The President arrived in Chapare at 10 am and attended the futsal finals matches at the closed Shinahota Coliseum. He was seated with a long-sleeved polerón, with the leaders and the authorities of the tropic of Cochabamba.

Despite feeling a little thin, he was active because he distributed prizes to winning athletes, congratulated them and also took photos with them.

According to some leaders, Morales took fruit juice, ate a dish made with fish and "was normal". Although he spoke and laughed with the leaders and authorities accompanying him, he was advised not to make long speeches, unlike the first intervention, when he had to stand for seven days

. 2017 at the Medical Surgical Research Center (Cimeq) in Havana, Cuba; at that time, they extracted a nodule discovered in the left oral marrow, but, unlike that time, the then Minister of the Presidency, René Martínez, reported on the whole procedure before and after the intervention

. However, on this occasion, no authority gave details of the surgical procedure to which Mr. Morales submitted Tuesday afternoon, but the same day, at night, it was known that the president would be absent because he was hospitalized to undergo a routine examination. However, the next day, it is the president who, by a tweet, reported that he had undergone surgery to remove a "small tumor" and that yesterday he would be released.


Morales was operated on at a Cuban clinic in La Paz. The Collaborator's Clinic, a specialized medical center attended by Cuban doctors with extensive experience in specialties.

Ministers and leaders are also supported. The health center opened on December 23, 2006 and has specialized services with state-of-the-art technology. Morales, like some of his ministers and social leaders, was once treated there. The Times came to the place, but no one gave any information.


Occupational health experts say that excessive work has a variety of consequences and, as a result, a person may become sick or suffer a trauma. They explain that daily occupations make one forget the time needed to rest, even though the World Health Organization (WHO) states that an adult must sleep between seven and eight hours to maintain a physical, emotional state and optimal mind. . The little rest and excess at work exposes to "chronic stress", that is to say that an intense workload produces the release of hormones, which in turn , increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular, mental and metabolic diseases.

the risks are chronic gastritis, visual problems, high blood pressure, loss of brain tissue, diabetes, in addition to the possibility of increasing the risk of cancer.

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