More than 120 dead were attacked during an election act in Pakistan | news


A suicide bombing in an electoral act in Baluchistan province, Pakistan, left at least 128 people dead and more than 122 wounded on Friday, according to reports from the city's health ministry.

The attack was perpetrated by a suicide bomber who blew up the bombs he was carrying at a rally of politician Siraj Raisani, from the regional Awami Nationalist Party (ANP) party, in a local market.

Earlier, another attack took place in the town of Bannu, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (north-west), and four people were killed and 39 others wounded.

The attack was directed against party leader Yamiat Ulema Islam and also former Minister of Housing and Public Works, Akram Jan Durrani, who remained unscathed.

Meanwhile, the terrorist group calling itself Islamic State (Daesh, in Arabic) assumed responsibility for these attacks.

Last Tuesday, at an election rally in Peshawar, capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan, another explosion left at least 13 dead and more than 53 wounded.

The Asian country will hold general and provincial elections on July 25.

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