More than 44,000 Colombian students have left classes for armed clashes – Diario Digital Our Country


As detailed by the organization in a statement, about 80 schools in Catatumbo, a jungle region and border with Venezuela, had to temporarily suspend classes for "fear of violence" while 39, school infrastructure "The Pacheca" was affected by an armed attack. "

" This brutal attack on what is supposed to be a safe space for minors to learn, grow and play is a violation severe rights of the child. Ending these attacks should be a priority for the government, "said Christian Visnes, director of the CNR in Colombia, quoted in the news.

Del Catatumbo, one of the poorest regions and most neglected of Colombia, is part of the municipalities of the Convention, El Carmen, El Tarra, Hacarí, La Playa, San Calixto, Sardinata, Teorama and Tibú.

In addition to the guerrillas of the Army of National Liberation (ELN), a Redoubt of the People's Liberation Army (EPL), groups of drug traffickers and other criminals involved in illegal mining.

According to local authorities, the clashes of the first half in Catatumbo, which left an indeterminate number of deaths, were due to territorial disputes between the ELN and the EPL, which is considered by the government as a drug gang.

D & # On the other hand, the NGO added that these children i do not take courses are "more exposed" to forced recruitment by Since January, 26 land mines and explosive remnants have been reported, according to the NRC, near the classrooms of schools, which forced the suspension of the courses. to 3,459 students.

"Education is the key to protecting children at risk, but also to achieving lasting peace in Colombia.Only an adequate economic investment in education and effective protection can promote a peaceful generation in this territory, "added Mrs Visnes

. In response to this situation, the Norwegian Refugee Council has urged the government to support the Declaration on Safety in Schools. 2015, promoted by Unesco and signed by 75 countries that are committed to protecting students and teachers from attacks in armed conflict.

"The education authorities in Colombia must announce their support for the declaration as soon as possible, and must ensure that the needs and rights of minors and young people are respected in order to move the country forward," he concluded. Visnes. Window EFE

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