More than five hours floated a corpse in the river Guaire


Neighbors of the Las Mercedes urbanization, near the Guaire River, saw yesterday shortly before 8:00 am the corpse of a man floating in the river bed Guaire, but they did not not surprised by the discovery. "It is already common to see the body of someone there," said one of the residents of a building on the other side of the river who gave an opinion to the police.

After 11:00, police officers from Baruta and the fire department, who reported that neighbors in the region have denounced the appearance of a body floating in the river from 8:00, went to the place to extract the body of the man who was dressed but who was not wearing any identification or any kind of personal effects. He had several deep wounds apparently made with a stab. The work of removing the body was made difficult because he was stuck in the river bed.

A commission of Cicpc detectives arrived later to comply with the abduction of the body, bring him to the morgue to perform autopsy and rigor establish the causes of death, as well as to proceed to his identification by necrodactyly.

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