Moreno: "Venezuela advocates the search for an impartial international judicial system"


Photo: TSJ

( Caracas, July 18. News24 ) .- The President of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), Magistrate Maikel Moreno, held a meeting at The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute M. O-Gon Kwon.

As part of the activities in which the highest Venezuelan judicial authority participates because of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the approval of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The president of the High Court was accompanied by the Vice-President of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Supreme Court and Inspector General of the Courts, Judge Marco Antonio Medina Salas and the Venezuelan Ambassador to the ICC and the International Criminal Court. 39; Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. , Dr. Haifa Aissami

The President-Magistrate, after commending and congratulating Mr. O-Gon Kwon on his recent appointment as President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, explained the reality of what is happening in the country in various ways, including the situation caused by the blockade and the economic sanctions imposed unilaterally by other countries, but it expresses in this regard that "we are sure that With the help of our friends around the world we will stabilize the economy to move forward. "

He also informed that due to from the street violence that occurred last year in Venezuela, they are dealing with the relevant requests of the Venezuelan state institutions. "We as a judiciary, in
company of the entire judicial system, we open the respective investigations in a timely manner, respecting all its guarantees and procedural rights, within the framework of the provisions of the Constitution and the Laws of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. "

It has ratified that the domestic jurisdiction of each country must be respected and that no person or body can claim to be above the laws of every nation," is my commitment as President of the Supreme Court.Venezuela judge that with regard to procedural rights we will have to punish those who at the time committed the crime cause violence in the streets, "said the magistrate-president.

He added that through the action of state institutions, including the judiciary, in the framework of what is established in the Great Charter and in the legal order of the country, peace and calm. they returned to the country and strengthened institutional and democratic stability.

Similarly, Judge Maikel Moreno ratified his support and cooperation with all the multilateral organizations of the world, as well as with the International Criminal Court, within the framework of the respect of the national jurisdiction of Venezuela and the provisions of Article 2 of the Rome Statute on the complementarity of its functions. "I share the desire to have an international Criminal Court of course strong, transparent, independent, without interference or internal, or external to any party."

Finally, Judge Maikel Moreno, took the opportunity to invite the President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute in Venezuela to attend the formal opening session of the In the coming year 2019.

For his part, Mr. O-Gon Kwon thanked the invitation made by the Venezuelan Judiciary Maxima and said he was satisfied with the visit of the President of the Supreme Court of Venezuela as well as contributions he left with his participation in the symposium "The enduring value of the Rome Statute for humanity", in the framework of activities commemorations on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the approval of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

M. O-Gon also recalled The International Criminal Court being a last resort and as long as each country settles its own affairs within the framework of their respective legal systems, the ICC does not have jurisdiction.

Venezuela calls for opening roads for the conformity of an impartial international justice system, based on cooperation between bodies such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the states, said the president of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), Maikel Moreno. of the Rome Statute for Humanity ", at the ICC headquarters, in The Hague, indicated that the above-mentioned judicial organ is the first instrument that unifies and centralizes international criminal law, while complementing Nations Against Crimes

According to information from Press Release

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