MSP urged not to discontinue treatment with Valsartan


A batch of drugs containing Valsartan with impurities was withdrawn from the market, as a precautionary measure, by order of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP). Minister Jorge Basso explained that treatments should not be interrupted, it is necessary to consult the general practitioner to change the drug.

For its health surveillance role, the Department of Pharmacies and Health Providers who removed drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure that contained in their composition some lots of Valsartan, according to the warning issued by the European Medicines Agency, which detected impurities in this substance due to changes in its manufacturing process

All Institutions and laboratories in the country are making replacements for brands and lots with this impurity, confirmed Jorge Basso at a press conference. He explained that the precautionary measure was decided because "a substance did not correspond to the active substance because it had side effects", but that does not compromise the lives of those who use this product.

Keep calm

"Patients should not stop taking medication, although they are part of the articles published in a statement on the subject, but consult the doctor, who will evaluate each treatment regimen, "because" it is much more risky to stop taking antihypertensive drugs, especially in this winter season, "said the chief at a press conference. "It is important to stay calm and consult the doctor," he said.

The hierarch pointed out that 36% of the population is hypertensive and that although it is a very common drug in our country, doctors
Basso insisted on the importance of not consuming a drug which does not present any guarantees, especially in patients with a chronic disease such as hypertension.

About 40 people approached other mutuals

In another order, the Minister of Public Health, Jorge Basso, positively evaluated the implementation Emergency and Emergency Act for the attention of users of any provider of the National Integrated Health System (NHIS), effective July 1. The settlement was included in the last responsibility and regulated by a presidential decree.

During the first week, about 40 users used the system, which covers the 43 full-service providers that make up health insurance, 42 private providers and the National Health Services Administration ( ASSE), said the minister.
He also said that he is coordinating with the departmental directors their correct implementation

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