National Surgical Plan made 611 interventions in Táchira in 2018 – Correo del Orinoco


The National Surgical Plan through Barrio Adentro has achieved so far this year 611 interventions in the state of Táchira, giving free and quality care in the pathologies of umbilical hernias, inguinal hernias, lipomas, hystectomies, varicoceles and sterilizations with operating rooms rehabilitated by the Ministry of Health

Jean Carlos Sánchez, coordinating physician of Barrio Adentro in the Andean entity, confirmed the Completion of 504 full days in the 25 areas of community health with drug delivery, including consultations in physiatry and odontology

He announced that they treated 51,929 people through 0800SALUDYA, offering services medical and delivery of treatments for chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hormonal pathologies, heart and depressive.

500 people were treated at Barrio Adentro headquarters and given the drugs they needed. "The medical staff takes care of everyone without looking at political ideology," he said

. He underlined the surgical interventions applied in high, medium and low complexity, "especially low-income patients who receive medical services."

He emphasized the main function of integrated diagnostic centers located in border municipalities, "In these health centers, the population is constantly coming and being cared for immediately" and acknowledged the support given to San Cristobal Central Hospital; "Although it is a dependent entity of the governorate, medical devices have been incorporated for surgical procedures."

Sánchez reported the activation of the operating rooms of the Integral Center of the Sanatorium Antituberculosis of the city of San Cristóbal for vesicular operations, sterilizations and traumatologies.

F / CO – AVN F / Illustrative Illustration

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