Nestor Reverol: The Quadrants of Peace will be at the forefront of citizen security


Photo: Juan Terán

(Caracas, July 16, News 24).
"We are working on a renewed plan, where the Quadrants of Peace will be the spearhead of the country's security" said Monday the Minister of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace , M / G Néstor Reverol

During the graduation act of the new officers of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), at the National Experimental University of Security (Unes), the Minister recalled that the quadrants of peace are spaces of 2 "In the quadrant of peace, the officials execute interactive patrols, also support the government of Street Efficiency with their actions aimed at educational development [5]. culture, sports, nutrition and health, "added the minister.

He pointed out that the risk management system will be included as an area of ​​the quadrants of peace, with the aim of preparing

He pointed out that the Quadrants of Peace are in the process of 39 to be integrated as "the territorial political column of citizen security that by certain axes of action, they will implement the strategies of public safety and the massification of the integral prevention, of solidarity coexistence and peace ".

With information from MPPRIJP

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