Netflix: Narcos Mexico: presents the actors and characters of the new season | video | Instagram | original series | MEX | Cine-series


& # 39; & # 39; The path of all evils. Narcos returns in 2018 "is the message that has been posted on the Instagram social network of the original Netflix series.Through the platform has been indicated what will be the territory in which the story will be developed.

In Instagram a series of images was shared only when united form a map, which has a cocaine line that unites Colombia with Mexico .This would be the country in which we will see how the marketing plan on drugs, violence and corruption continues to be developed

You can read: Netflix: The characters in the real life series' Narcos & # 39;

Through the stories of the social network have been updated how the characters will look like in the new story of "Narcos" . Short videos have shown the look of each and also the names of the people that they will embody. in each chapter.

The first to appear in Instagram was the actor Diego Luna who will play Miguel Ángel Féliz Gallardo. Another Mexican who will appear in the series of Netflix is Michael Peña, under the character of Enrique Camarena.

One of the talents that will appear in "Narcos: Mexico & # 39; is a figure in Mexican television. It's Joaquin Cosio, who will give life to Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, known as 'Don Neto'.

The original Netflix series will feature the beginning of the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s, when Felix Gallardo, played by ] Diego Luna takes the lead and brings the traffickers together to build an empire. Here we share the video shared in Instagram which shows the characters of the new story of "Narcos".



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