New center for packing the clap


Luis González .- The Food Packaging Center for Local Supply and Production Committees (Clap) is expected to be opened in the coming days in the air customs facilities, El Trébol sector, parish of Carlos Soublette, will provide bags of food to the populations of Grand Caracas.

The information was published by the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez in a supervisory visit that he made in said equipment accompanied by the Minister of the Poder Popular para the Alimentación, Luis Medina and the regional and municipal leaders; Jorge Luis García Carneiro and José Alejandro Terán respectively

"In this center to be launched soon, 30,000 bags of food a day will be packed to supply the capital city and the states Vargas and Miranda We must remember that President Nicolás Maduro announced that we were going to a process of expansion of the Clap, including what relates to the supply of food, "said Rodríguez [19659003] Minister Medina pointed out that the building Labor 172 people is the number 17 to be inaugurated in the country and will work in collaboration with the authorities of Mercal and the Home Mission of the Nation to "guarantee food to protected families", was he says.

the start of the center that will contribute to the distribution work done in the Litoral region through the Vargas Alimentos Foundation and the work with the different c omitted supply that make life on the central coast.

The center It has a packing room, a calculation room, loading and unloading areas and a surveillance building for ships arriving at the port of La G uaira.

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