News – Thousands of Nicaraguans march for and against the government



Hundreds of Nicaraguan students marched on Monday in favor of and against the government of Daniel Ortega in the midst of a crisis that paralyzed universities and made more than 290 died in three months. 19659003] The University "Freedom for Prisoners", "Justice" and "Autonomy" chanted students and opponents of the government during the celebration of Student Day that ended in front of the university. Central American University (UCA). They wore crosses hanging from backpacks, the symbol of the dead during protests, and posters with photos of comrades held "arbitrarily" to participate in demonstrations, according to rights organizations. of the man.

Teachers are paralyzed in state precincts, some as the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) were taken by students in protests on April 18

L & # 39; UNAN, where 200 students were entrenched, was expelled on 14 July during a paramilitary operation, which resulted in the deaths of two students.

"Let the repression be over, let Daniel let go of power, it will only kill us," said a young woman with a face covered with a scarf in the colors of the Nicaraguan flag.

"Freedom for the prisoners and for this tyrant to leave;" The mobilization culminated without incident, although there was a presence of the riot police in some sections of the road, which passed by of a road through which another march of students linked to the government has passed. 19659003] The official march, also attended by the police, leads to Paseo del Estudiante, on the promenade on Lake Managua, with a colorful cultural act.

The National Union of Nicaraguan Students (UNEN) The government expressed its support for Ortega and called to punish those responsible for what they termed "attempted coup d'etat" ".

"We want to tell the terrorists and the putschists that the people decide and vote for Commander Daniel. The UNEN said in a statement of support for the governor.

Opponents demand the departure of Ortega's power, 72, whom they describe as corruption and establish a dictatorship with his Osamo and Vice President Rosario Murillo.

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