Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra could be compromised | News


The wedding bells are already ringing! The rumors that the little Jonas Brothers, Nick Jonas and his girlfriend Priyanka Chopra get married become more and more certain . This has been confirmed by People.

According to a source in the media, the couple enlisted last week on the girl's 36th birthday while they were celebrating in London. It is in this beautiful city that little Jonah has gone to a jewelry store to get the most amazing engagement ring.

"Your friends and family have never seen you like that and are very excited," confesses the source.

But not everything remains there. The Indian actress and singer abandoned her project in the film Bharat, as announced his director on social networks. This triggered all the rumors of engagement

Jonah, 25, would be the third of the brothers to engage. brothers Kevin and Joe did it with their respective partners Danielle and Sophie Turner, respectively.But without a doubt, the one that stands out is the medium's commitment, Joe. He's got it announced through an Instagram post with the description "He said yes."

If the news of Nick's commitment is true, how do you think he will announce it? [19659008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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