Nicotine may be helpful in preventing the onset of Parkinson's disease


A study by the Universidad Javeriana links nicotine-like molecules to a possible resistance to Parkinson's disease

Smoking has become one of the major problems of the 21st century due to his obvious responsibility in the occurrence of lung cancer. Only in a country of about 50 million people like Colombia, this disease is responsible for a year of life of 4500 people. However, beyond the negative effects of tobacco, it could derive a utility to counter another terrible evil: Parkinson .

Researchers at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana made a connection between nicotine and neurodegenerative disease . In one study, they asked why smokers tend to slow down both the development of the effects of Parkinson's disease .

Several precedents have been taken into account . It was previously known that nicotine in cigarettes produces improvements in memory and cognition . In addition, it provides a feeling of well-being through the promotion of substances promoting cell regeneration. Of course, it also generates dependence and its excess causes cell death because of its high toxicity. However, it is perhaps precisely that which prepares the cells to deal with certain neuronal diseases.

On the other hand, it is currently estimated that in Colombia, 200,000 people suffer from Parkinson's disease . This condition occurs because mitochondria in brain cells gradually stop producing energy until they eventually die. As we know, the sufferer loses control of his voluntary movements with rigidity and tremors. With time, it worsens, reducing the quality of life of a patient who can hardly fend for himself.

Currently, the disease has no cure. However, the researchers decided to test the positive effects of nicotine to counter Parkinson's disease . Of course, not including all the negative effects on the body that causes the practice of smoking.

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<h3> Resistance to Disease </h3>
<p><strong>  Thus, the team performed tests with nicotine-like molecules </strong>. This means that they are similar molecular structures but that they generate less harmful effects than the substance of origin. For the tests, two analogous molecules were created in order to stimulate a receptor located in the cell membrane. </p>
<p>  One of the so-called "analogs" was able to increase the expression of neuroglobin <strong>. This protein at the cerebral level facilitates the transport of oxygen to the mitochondria of the cell, preserving it from degeneration and possible death </strong>. In addition, it helps to neutralize harmful molecules such as nitrogen. </p>
<p>  The application of said analog was particularly useful before exposing neuronal cell cultures to roterone. It is a pesticide that generates in the cells effects similar to those produced by Parkinson's disease <strong>. It has been shown that there was a "protective" effect of the nicotine analogue on neurons compared to the effect of the pesticide </strong>. </p>
<p>  One of the authors of the study, George E. Barreto, explained this result: </p>
<p>  indicates that the nicotine analog has the potential to function preventively, that is, to say <strong> so that the person is less susceptible to the development of Parkinson's disease. "</strong></p>
<p>  Similarly, <strong> less to achieve the protective effect and not generate adverse effects such as toxicity and dependence </strong> </p>
<p>  For the moment, a challenge is to make this effect similar in men and women because of its natural hormonal difference.There is still a lot of time to synthesize a drug useful for treatment against Parkinson's disease </strong> However, it is a good not for one day the disease can be thwarted. </p>
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