Nikola Tesla was born 162 years ago: seven key dates


He was one of the great inventors of the nineteenth century. Among his achievements is the AC motor that contributed to the industrial revolution

July 10 is 162 years old in present-day Croatia from the engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla, inventor of the AC motor which contributed to the second industrial revolution .

Tesla was one of the great inventors of the 19th century although he never became as famous as his opponent Thomas Edison

of Tesla – who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire – and his theoretical work helped to forge the foundations of modern systems for the use of electrical energy by alternating current souvenir

Today, thanks to the South African businessman Elon Musk, his name is associated with electric cars since Tesla is the name of the company of which he is executive director and is specialized precisely in this product or But the truth is that Tesla, in addition to inventing electricity, predicted some technologies that would achieve in the decades that followed, the BBC released.

In addition to his work in electromagnetism and electromechanical engineering Tesla advances later served in a different extent to the development of the robotic remote control, the radar Computing Science, Ballistics, Nuclear Physics and Theoretical Physics

The inventor, who was a visionary came to write that someday it would be possible to transmit telephone signals documents music and video files in the world using wireless technology . Today, it is possible thanks to the wifi. And although he himself never realized such a thing, his prediction came true in the 1990s, with the invention of the World Wide Web.

His thought can be summed up in these Seven Quotes :

] "Our virtues and our faults are inseparable, as strength and matter, and when they separate, the man no longer exists. "

– "I do not care that they steal my idea … I care that they do not have anything of their own."

– "Scientists are thinking today. now, instead of clearly, you have to be healthy in mind to think clearly, but you can think deeply and be completely crazy. "

-" If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. "

-" I do not think you can name many great inventions that have been made by married men. "

-" I am constantly invaded first to listen to greetings from one planet to another. "[19659003] -" If your hate turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world. "

Following his demonstration of wireless communication by means of radio waves in 1894 and after his victory in the "war of currents". Against Edison (who advocated the use of direct current), he was widely recognized as one of the greatest electrical engineers in the United States.

Tesla's fame rivaled that of any inventor or scientist in history or popular culture.

But by his eccentric personality and incredible armor on the possible development of scientific and technological innovations, Tesla ends up being relegated to ostracism . and considered a mad scientist . It is said that died impoverished at 86.

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