North Korea regrets the American attitude before feeding itself | news


North Korea showed dissatisfaction on Saturday with United States (USA) after denuclearization negotiations after meetings with the US Secretary of State , Mike Pompeo .

According to the Central North Korea News Agency (KCNA), an unnamed spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of North Korea, United States. seeks the unilateral and forced denuclearization of Pyongyang .

According to this spokesman, the United States betrayed the spirit of the summit held last month by the US president. and North Korea, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, respectively, where it was agreed to work for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

"The US side has only submitted unilateral and gangster demands on denuclearization ," says the publication of the North Korean KCNA agency.

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"We expected the United States to do something that suits them (…) However, the attitude United States at the first high-level negotiations level took place on days 6 and 7 (July) was really unfortunate, "said the agency.

These statements arrived a few hours after Pompeo said that during the two days of meetings with Kim Jong-un, progress was made on almost all the key issues of the negotiations, despite the fact that it remains "a lot to do" .

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