Nurses of J.M. de los Ríos will join the strike


National, the titles

Oleg Kostko / July 4, 2018.- The deputy to the National Assembly José Manuel Olivares, announced that the nurses of the JM de los Ríos will join tomorrow the national strike of nurses who started last week in the main hospitals of Caracas.
  Frente Amplio "The Hospital JM de los Ríos joins the strike called by the National College Nursing, in demand for a fair wage increase and according to basic needs," announced the parliamentarian on his Twitter account

Read more: IVSS nurses from Valencia and Naguanagua joined the strike [19659005] Olivares in the aforementioned tweet released a photograph of a statement from the medical staff of the The aforementioned hospital where they announced that they agreed to "join the strike called by the National College of Nursing in demand for a fair wage increase and consistent with our basic needs. 19659005] In the aforementioned statement, they specified that "suspend consultations and elective surgeries that do not endanger the physical integrity of patients and ensure r physical presence in critical and emergency areas. "

The protest that began last week in some hospitals in Caracas has spread to other centers in the interior of the country. Workers' demands in the health sector in the country's hospitals are better wages and sending supplies to hospitals.

This Wednesday the last ones who joined the demonstration were the workers of the IVSS external clinics of Naguanagua and Valencia. in the state of Carabobo

Read more: Doctors: We are losing our fear thanks to brave nurses

Tags: Caracas | J.M. of rivers | José Manuel Olivares | unemployment of nurses | Venezuela

  Canal Noticiero Digital

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