"Obvious negligence", landslide on the square Artz: Amieva; PGJ launches investigation and PC suspends ownership


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- In a new case of "obvious negligence" – as the head of the government, José Ramón Amieva, has described – in terms of construction in the capital, the l & # 39; collapse of part of La Plaza Artz Pedregal has put in trouble this morning the authorities of the central government and the delegation of Álvaro Obregón, as well as the companies Grupo Riobóo and Grupo Sordo Madaleno

. The collapse occurred Thursday around 11:10. the shopping center located in the boulevard Adolfo Ruiz Cortines 3720, better known as Periférico Sur, Colonia Jardines del Pedregal.

The incident caused the capital's police to close traffic north of the city, as well as a detour to Camino Avenue in Santa Teresa.

In a few minutes, videos of the exact moment when part of the structure fell. And is it, according to the first reports of the office of the Attorney General of the capital (PGJ-CDMX), about 30 minutes earlier, the security elements of the place "listened and saw how the structure was moving, so they ordered to expel facade area of ​​one of the group's stores. "

Customers and employees, in addition to workers who worked in another part of the esplanade still under construction , managed to leave the building. This is why no people have been reported dead or wounded in the rubble.

Immediately the background of this work was also discovered, because on November 26, 2016, when it was under construction, a landslide occurred. At that time, the construction company Sordo Madaleno claimed that it was due to a leak of water that had softened the land.

Although she caused no deaths, she aroused protests from the inhabitants of the area. work, in addition to damage to their neighboring homes due to excavation.

In April 2017, they made a symbolic closure to protest against the risks of the same thing to their properties and the alleged disrespect of mitigation measures by the construction company Then they have pointed out the former delegate and current deputy, Leonel Luna, to have interfered so that the construction company gets the corresponding permits.

On March 8, before resigning the head of government, Miguel Ángel Mancera inaugurated the place. In his speech, he stressed that the construction respected "rigorous procedures" and was "strictly respected by the regulations and laws" on the subject, passing, recently modified, after the tragedy that caused the earthquake of 19 September 2018

After congratulating the builders and investors, the virtual senator of the Republic added: "We hope that many of them will inaugurate in the future, it is good news, job generator, economic activation is needed ". 19659002] For its part, the group Sordo Madaleno described the work as a complex of mixed uses in a country of 50 thousand square meters. It would have 157 shops, a rooftop park and an office tower for businesses.

And he boasted: "Artz is more than a project, it's a space that enhances the city and therefore the quality of life of its users." In the square, you can find some stores of the most prestigious brands.

Last Monday, the Web site Arch Daily reported that Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos was among the finalists of the eleventh World Architecture Festival (WAF)

"Structural failure … by obvious negligence "

The first preliminary report was submitted by the Civil Defense Secretary of the capital, Fausto. Lugo, who said that a so-called "structural failure" caused the collapse of the property's office area.

"The structural break in our opinion could be due to a failure of structural design, a problem of structural calculation or it will be determined by experts who will tell us what has failed in this structure", a- he said in an interview with Denise Maerker at Radio Formula 2] Three hours later, the head of government, José Ramón Amieva, said that although they do not have the right to do so, still have no expertise to determine the cause of the collapse, "it is obvious, (it is about) a case of negligence." [19659002Inaconferenceattheoldtownofvilleadded:"Whydidyouneglect?"?Parcequ'ilestévidentqu'ilyaeunégligenceilestévidentqu'ilesttombéetesttombépourquelquechoseEtpuisquecen'étaitpas-seloncequejeperçois-unecausenaturellealorsnousdevonsexaminerquellessontlescauseshumainesquiauraientpulegénérerEtlescauseshumainesàlafoisl'actionetl"OmissioninsomeoftheC-leveliswhatwewillstudy"

He insisted: "it was not something controlled, it was not something induced, it was something that was obvious that it was falling and that we were not expecting it to collapse. This, at first glance, must be generated as a situation of omission, negligence. "

Amieva Gálvez announced that the PGJ-CDMX has opened an investigation file for the crime of property damage and to determine the causes and scope of the fact Experts in industrial security, 39, architecture, forensic science and photography arrived at the scene to initiate the corresponding procedure

The case was opened to the public prosecutor's office Álvaro Obregón, governed by the PRD.

He informed in a bulletin that he gave "to the Government of the capital, to the Office of the Attorney General, to the Office of the Comptroller General, to the Secretariats of Protection," all the documents and files which are in its power in matters of urban development, protection civil and construction verification ". Civil and Government, as well as the Institute of Construction Security.

The head of government also ordered that, through the Laboratory of the Office of the Controller, in coordination with the Institute for Construction Safety (ISC), an expert opinion be issued to know if the cause was a structural failure or subsurface settlement.

And as a third measure, ordered the suspension of the square as a security measure.

Position of Artz

For its part, the Plaza issued a statement in which indicated that after the collapse, the technical team of the mall contacted the Civil Protection "to respond to the incident of Coordonné."

In addition, he regretted the incident and the disadvantages that containment and protection caused to the mobility of the region. Finally, he said that "Artz Pedregal will work with the relevant authorities to determine the causes of this event and we will keep them informed."

In a media interview, his spokesman, Oscar Kauffman, confirmed that the construction of the square were made by Grupo Riobóo and Grupo Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos

On the Possible Causes of the Event , he commented, "We do not know what happened, fortunately the security protocols were put in place." He added that they will work with the authorities to clarify the facts and denounce the responsibilities and announced that they will bear the consequences.

Regarding the protests of residents of the area for alleged non-compliance with mitigation measures, he said that they did not

Sheinbaum asks an investigation

The head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, asks the Comptroller General of the Government of the capital and the PGJ-CDMX to conduct a thorough investigation into the collapse of Plaza Artz Pedregal, because it Is not possible that a work of this magnitude, with only four months of inauguration, collapse.

In a conference, at the end of a meeting with the elected mayors of Morena, asserted that when he will take office, he will order the review of all approved works in Miguel Ángel Mancera, to know if the permits are in accordance with the law, to avoid another tragedy.

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