Odebrecht case: a new failure for the defense of Humala and Heredia | Photo 1 of 5 | Policy


The National Criminal Court decided by a majority to reject the latest challenge presented by the lawyer César Nakazaki, defender of the former President Ollanta Humala and his wife Nadine Heredia, against the judges Edita Condori Fernández and Otto Verapinto Márquez. The Humala-Heredia challenged Condori and Verapinto, who formed a special college, for voting in favor of the case brought by the prosecutor's office against two judges who had ratified the 18-month pre-trial detention against the former presidential couple , which was annulled by the Constitutional Court.

Following this decision, pending the challenge presented by the Humala defense against Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho, which Humala-Heredia's lawyers also claim, will be heard by the first chamber of the court. Appeal of the National Criminal Chamber

As we know, this labyrinth of disputes, which continues to delay the investigation process, began when the defense of Humala and Heredia requested the departure of Concepción Carhuancho's alleged impartiality

The lawyers of the former presidential couple claim the aforementioned judgment of 18 months of preventive detention that was pronounced against them. TC's decision was used as an argument for this defense .

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