Of 17 dialysis machines, only four are used at San Cristóbal hospital


In emergency, the dialysis service of the Central Hospital of San Cristóbal, Táchira State, was declared, since less than half of the machines used for the daily routines of renal patients are functional and 50% of capacity.

Jefferson Contreras, chief of the dialysis department of the main health center, summoned the heads of private dialysis units to design a contingency plan and look after more than 600 patients

"We need to inform the community that because of the failures we have not been able to apply the treatment three times a week, as appropriate, causing an emergency situation because the patients can not spend more than two days without treatment, "Contreras said. ] On 17 machines, only four work at half the machine. Contreras explained that the situation does not really depend on the Táchira State Health Corporation, but the national government, which must provide the necessary supplies for patient care.

Similarly, health workers from the Tachira Oncology Hospital, a medical referral center for the detection, study and treatment of cancer, went out to protest to claim a salary similar to the official one, decreed by Nicolás Maduro.

"Once again in street work, fair wages, claims, that's what we ask for.We are following street actions because we have not had any answers," said Henry Garcia, President of the Tachira Hospital Workers Union in Oncology

. the requirements of decent wages and entry to work.

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