Officialize the emission of oil assets at the BCV


Photo: Correo del Orinoco

(Caracas, July 28. News24) .- By Decree No. 41.446 of the Official Gazette the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) receives a total of 29 thousand 298 million barrels of certified oil, as part of the issuance of financial assets of international reserves.

The order signed by the President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro will facilitate and provide support in the access of financial and monetary mechanisms and instruments for the Republic in the development of heavy and extra-heavy oil reserves on the site.

See also: The monetary conversion will be published in the Official Journal, which will enter into force on August 20

. The Ministry of Petroleum will delimit the corresponding specific geographical area and its economic evaluation according to its development potential and the applicable evaluation techniques in the field of energy. In this regard, the Head of State stated that this delivery serves to strengthen and develop international reserves and the supply of freely convertible currencies such as Petro, dollar, yuan, among 39 Venezuela other than Venezuela Venezuela is the country with the largest certified oil reserves in the world.

He added that "from that moment on, BCV will publish the necessary and sufficient financial documents to strengthen its payment capacity, its international reserves and its financial weight, of the central bank."

With the AVN Information

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