OKEx Removes 49 More Exchange Options | CryptoNews


OKEx has announced the withdrawal of 49 exchange pairs from its platform, due to the fact that its trading volumes did not comply with its inclusion guidelines. This will be done on November 30th, so customers who have open markets with affected assets must cancel them before that date.

According to the statement, many of these tokens will be completely removed from service. Customers who have funds in these cryptoactives at the exchange office must withdraw them on other platforms or in a personal portfolio before 14 December.

On October 28, the platform withdrew 50 trading options, including pairs with BTC and ETH, but also some with the USDT. On this occasion, OKEx follows several affected tokens in the last group. Some, such as FirstBlood and Iconomi, whose markets with BTC and ETH were withdrawn a month ago, will no longer be exchanged for USD or withdrawn from the platform.

District0x, which had not been touched by the previous group, also saw its pair with the USDT suspended and will be removed from the exchange house.

According to Coinhills, OKEx manages an average daily volume of 192 048 BTC, or 3.87% of the total market, which makes it the Fifth largest global exchange center. In addition, among the top 5, it has the largest number of assets and trading pairs because, according to the data on this page, this platform exploits 477 trading options.

Tokens are the most affected by the market crash

This move by OKEx reflects the fact that tokens have been more affected by the downward trend in the market. As recently reported, this type of asset has recorded declines greater than those of the main cryptocurrency. The study indicates that although they showed a positive trend in the first 10 months of the year, their trade volume declined during the month of November.

However, this decision of OKEx did not have a negative impact on the price of all the removed tokens. FirstBlood actually lowered its price, but district0x, which was also withdrawn, increased its value and recorded an increase in its volume of trade between 8 pm, between 26 am and 8 pm on November 27th.

The selected image of leungchopan / stock.adobe.com

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