Only six cars run on the Valence metro


During the morning of this Sunday, the Valencia counter was left inoperative due to scheduled power cuts in Valencia, it would be restored from one o'clock in the afternoon Foto Angel Chacón

Only six wagons , which make up three trains, operate in the Valencia metro. The lack of operation and the low wages were the central axes of the protest that the workers of the subway carried out the morning of this Thursday

Of the monumental station, where the demonstration was organized, Wilfredo Santana, president of the union that the subway system in the capital of Carabobo is very degraded. "Our requirement is that an investment plan that allows us to save the entire basic system be approved urgently."

For five years, investment in the subway has been zero. Santana says that they are clear that the economic war has affected them, but they understand that corrective measures must be taken. "The system is degraded."

Lack of investment reduces the operation of the stations. This needs to be fixed, Santana says.

Stairs and elevators do not work. Neither lighting, security and air conditioning. According to Santana, the latter requires refrigeration because otherwise it will eventually damage it. "The subway shops are without lighting, the missing pieces to repair the failures"

Workers work in inhuman conditions. Without air conditioning in the lockers, it is difficult to accomplish the task. "We do our best to guarantee the supply of the service.We are qualified personnel who is committed to the mission of the company."

At the same time, the 1200 workers who make up the company Metro de Valencia require wages in line with inflation. The minimum wage is not enough to buy a kilo of meat and it's recent staff. "Workers pay to come in. Insecurity is quite high, there is no transportation or money."

We do not have uniforms cards are expired and there is no hardware to replace them. Workers are demanding improvements in HCM, transportation, uniforms, food stamps and funeral insurance.

The first collective agreement expired on December 31, 2016. Last year, the second convention was introduced and we are waiting for the minister to invite us to speak. Santana argued that Article 91 of the Constitution establishes that workers need an income sufficient to cover the needs of staff and their families. "

Santana requested an adjustment in the tabulator, which currently ranges from 3 million 900,000 bolivars to 12 million per month, which is not enough." It is necessary that the collective agreement be approved "[19659003] Despite the conditions, there will be no halt, said Santana.

Manuel Petro, union organizing secretary, asked Governor Lacava to make the necessary coordination with the subway and Transcarabobo the transfer of its personnel. "We guarantee the transport of others, but it is difficult for us to go to work."

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