# OPINION Some are saved, others are not


Christian actors play the roles of Joseph and Mary at a reenactment of a crib from the birth of Jesus Christ as part of the Christmas festivities at the village of Nazareth in the Israeli city of Nazareth in the north of the country, Tuesday 20 December. 2016. (AP Photo / Ariel Schalit)

It is believed that the saying "no one is a prophet in their land" comes from popular language. But it's not like that: nothing less comes from Jesus Christ. He arrived exactly at that: he was not accepted in his country. After preaching a few things in various places and doing some miracles here and there, Jesus decides to return to Nazareth.

Nazareth was the city of his mother, where he was well known, the place where he had grown up, where he had lived and worked, in which he had his house, his parents, and so on. And, according to his custom, the Gospel tells us (Mk 6: 1-6), a Sabbath entered the synagogue and began to teach.

We know from the Gospel of Luke (Lk 4: 16-30) what Jesus read. Nothing less and nothing more than the announcement of the Messiah and his mission (Is 61, 1-2): "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he is m & # 39; anointed … "

And, at the end of the reading, he rolled the book, he returned it to the assistant, he sat down and when everyone" had his eyes fixed on him, "he ends up saying:" Today, these prophecies you have just heard are fulfilled, "which is tantamount to saying," The prophet Isaiah is referring to me. "
Imagine the impression of those present! The gospels tell us that people were in agreement with what they said and were impressed by the wisdom of their teachings. that, because of course, they knew the miracles he had done in other places.

Then the audience wondered, "Where did this man learn so much? Where does this wisdom and power come from to work miracles? "And as he was well known," they were bewildered. "They commented," But is not the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon? Do not your sisters live among us? "Certainly not in the head that any of them could know so much … much less be the expected Messiah!

A parenthesis on the word" brothers "and" sisters ", a term that meant not only brothers as we hear them today, but also cousins ​​and parents.We, Catholics, know that, despite all that non-Catholics can say, Jesus was the only Son of Mary

Jesus therefore answers to those who were in the synagogue of Nazareth: "Everyone honors a prophet, except those of his land, his parents and those of his house." This is true … and so it was for the Son of God, the promised Messiah, and even if he wanted it, the Gospel tells us, "he could not do any miracles there." He was coming from the north of Capernaum, where, among other miracles, he had revived the daughter of the synagogue leader, but here in his Nazareth, "he heals only a few lades by laying hands on them, and he was surprised at the unbelief of these people. "

It is precisely the disbelief of his compatriots in Nazareth that prevents him from doing so. great miracles like those he does in other places, because God uses his omnipotence to favor those who believe. "Your faith saved you," he said to those whom he was healing. In Nazareth, then, he confined himself to helping the few believers

That is why some are saved and others not. Jesus wants to save everyone, but some recognize Him as Savior and others do not. Some are saved and others not. In which group are you?

http: //www.homilía.org

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