"Ortega is wrong he thinks we will have the patience of Venezuelans"


"In two months, Nicaragua has become a hell," said Danilo Martínez, Masaya delegate of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights, an NGO that has followed the crisis triggered by protests against the President Daniel Ortega.

A total of 351 people died violently from April 18 to Wednesday, July 11, according to the ANPDH. Of the murdered, 289 died because of firearms and 80 of them were shot in the head.

"The paramilitary forces of the government, composed of fanatics of the Sandinista party, have assumed the task.The human rights defender said that protesters are torn between the continuation of peaceful resistance or the defense against aggression: "It's just beginning; I do not think that will end now. "

-Is this more serious than what happened last year in Venezuela?

-The situation deteriorated very quickly. have killed 150 people in 5 months, while here we have killed 400 killings in just 85 days.At this rate, before the end of the year, there will be 2000 executed.We are talking about people who knelt and shot him in the head

– Have people reached their limit of tolerance?

– I'm afraid of what will happen when the anger of the people blowing up, because he's already been through wars, you already know how that is.The governor is mistaken if he thinks that Nicaragua will happen as he did with the Venezuelan people, who had patience.This is a city that has traditionally not changed government through dialogue.We, as a human rights organization,we prefer, but historical references indicate that governments have gone violently or through wars or uprisings. Today we have the golden opportunity to make a peaceful change, but the spirit of the devil, embodied by those who have weapons, seems to lead us to the bonfires of war.

– Is there evidence of foreign participation in pro-government groups?

– There are auditions of military and hooded conversations in which you hear terms that we do not use. We do not need nationalities, but they are forms of expression that do not belong to our idiosyncrasy.

-And the Nicaraguan Army?

-The Army is interrogated. He has published two statements in which he says that he will not intervene and that he protects only the nerve centers of the nation. We believe that there is complicity for his silence. The crimes are not only committed by commission, but also by omission. It is not possible for the army to contemplate how they are slaughtering their people and saying nothing. We urged them, first, to investigate so that they clear up where the weapons appear, and second, that they disarm and capture these paramilitaries. Most people think that the army is aligned with the Sandinista Front, committed to a party flag and not to the homeland.

-What is the way out of the conflict?

-The government must understand that a good arrangement is better than a good suit. I hope the Sandinista Front as a party realizes that Ortega is playing everything for everything, because he has rejected the elections early and it seems that he has also rejected a pre-agreement that he had with the OAS and a gringos sector. The party can pay a high price and even be banned.

– Is the Sandinista Front involved in crimes against humanity?

-It is proven that its activists turned into hood assassins and houses. the party has become a center of torture; At least, that's what we saw in the departmental houses of San Marcos and León, where they take the detainees, they are beaten to death and, when they die, they are handed over to the police

– Is there a point? d & # 39; inflection?

– I think the turning point will be when people get tired of it all. I appeal to the government because it is time to stop this massacre, to restore the human rights of the people. I believe that Nicaragua deserves peace, an opportunity to improve its situation and we still have time to avoid a bigger divide in the social fabric.

-And the Nicaraguan opposition?

-The traditional opposition neither pissed nor hid.

– Who calls the demonstrations?

– There are political expressions that try to gain ground and lead the movement. It's natural. They work together with those who protest, but the social explosion movement is born horizontally, without vertical leadership.

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