Ortega's government and opposition resume dialogue Monday in Nicaragua


The dialogue between the government of Daniel Ortega and the opposition will resume next Monday to advance in the search for a solution that puts an end to the serious crisis in Nicaragua after two weeks of stagnation and increasing repression against events.

The Catholic bishops, mediators in the dialogue, called for a meeting of the Verification and Security Commissions, which analyzes the issue of violence and roadblocks in the context of the protests, as well as the electoral commission, which deals with of the democratization agenda

The meeting will be held on Monday at the Interdiocesan Seminary of Our Lady of Fatima in Managua, the mediation commission, composed of five bishops of the Nicaraguan Bishops' Conference (CEN), said on Twitter

The Justice Commission, the third working group set up in the framework of the dialogue initiated in May between the government and the government, was excluded from the meeting without explanation. opposition The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, formed by civil groups.

The dialogue aims to stop the violent repression that has claimed more than 220 lives since they began two and a half months ago protests against the Ortega government. Nicaraguan political system reform

"There is no opening or political will" on the part of the government, reported on June 25, Daisy George, representative of the Civic Alliance at the end of the last working session of the dialogue

. Foreign Minister Denis Moncada, who chairs the government delegation in the national dialogue, said he was ready to listen to the statements of the opposition, but that he demanded that protesters raise dams.

the protesters of "delinquents" and claiming with their demands and demonstrations to give a coup d'etat.

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