Pablo Casado is elected new president of the Spanish People's Party


Photo: EFE

(Caracas, July 21. News24) .- In Spain, with a total of 1,701 votes in favor was elected this Saturday Pablo Casado as the new President of the Party People's Party (PP) at the 19th Extraordinary Congress held on July 20th and 21st.

This was announced by the President of the Extraordinary Congress, Ana Pastor, after winning the 1,250 votes obtained by the former Vice President of the Government, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría

Bride, in his first statements, thanked Sáenz de Santamaría for his work as Vice-President of the Government (2011 and 2018), and all delegates for their support "in this historic congress", Hispantv.

Similarly, he indicated that during his administration he plans to promote a reform of the electoral law to prevail with a bonus of 50 deputies to the party that wins the general election.

Regeneration n Political, Beginning with the electoral reform we have already proposed for you to govern in double turn, so that there is a bonus to the winner in the electoral law. assures the elected president.

On his side, the former vice president of the said that as a member of the PP will do "the best for this game."

This process was an unpublished date to date in the PP. Since its founding in 1989, the designation of its leader had been the "dedazo", that is to say that it had been reported by the previous leader. This was the case when Manuel Fraga, founder of the party, appointed José María Aznar, and when he later proclaimed his successor to the now dismissed head of government Mariano Rajoy, collects Russia Today.

On June 11, Mariano Rajoy resigned as president of the PP. The decision came 10 days after being removed from the presidency of the Spanish government, after the motion of censure filed by the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) against him.

Based on information from AVN

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