Padrino López: The Fanb is ready to bring the truth to the world


Maria Duarte .- "Bringing the truth of Venezuela to the world", the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, told the delegation of the National Armed Forces Bolivarian (Fanb). ), who will participate in the 2018 Russia International Military Games.

Lopez said that the goal of these games is to strengthen Fanb's defensive apparatus, to protect and ensure the safety of Venezuelans .

" We can not forget our strength, the rewards we have received in aerospace defense, in amphibious aggression and in other military disciplines, we have never returned to the country empty-handed, we came back with visible rewards in our homeland ",

He indicated that there was a systematic siege against the Armed Forces, the Government and the People.

" Show what we are, be inspired by these three men, Bolívar, Ur Daneta, Sucre and Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, who is the lineage of the Venezuelan soldier " Vladimir told Fanb.

The head of the country's defense agency also informed that these games will be based in China and Belarus, "nations where our army is deployed".

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