Panama celebrates the series of international films "Stories of Women" – Correo del Orinoco


The Department of Foreign Affairs of Panama and the embassies of more than nine countries will celebrate Tuesday the first series of international films, Women's Stories, with the aim of highlighting film productions that strengthen the role of women in the current society.

The event will take place at the Ricardo J. Alfaro Auditorium located in the Casco Antiguo district of Panama City, capital city from June 17 to August 11, with the premise of making social criticism of injustices , poverty and gender inequality, through the seventh art

"This is a free event for all fans of the seventh art and this first edition will focus on different stories where the social role women stands out, their strengths and kindness, "says a statement issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs of Panama (MIRE).

"Panama has strengthened its relations with industry players cultural and creative activities of the public and private sectors, to promote the intercultural exchange of values, traditions and customs with people. other countries, "added the text.

For its part, the ambassadors of Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina collaborated with the financing of the cultural event, as well as representatives from Italy, Canada , Spain and Morocco to promote multilateral cultural exchanges.

The Panamerican documentary La Matamoros, the French comedy The Source of Women, the Costa Rican film, I'm from there

As well as other feature films such as Norma, La novia, Keyla, Excuse me s & There are, Primas, La Delara and Espiral.

Films will be screened three times a week, especially on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, until the end of the film festival.

T / Telesur
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