Patients at the Núñez Tovar Maturín Hospital demonstrate in the street


A group of patients from University Hospital Dr. Manuel Núñez Tovar (Humnt) of Maturín descended on the streets, this Wednesday, July 25, to protest against delay in operations which was maintained for more than two months in the health center

With the support of the stretcher of the doctors and the staff of nursing a group of women took its clinical beds in full avenue Bicentenario from the capital of Monaco, in front of the hospital, where they demanded its operations.

" Governor ( Yelitza Santaella ), governor, come and talk to us. Enough of so much injustice of both despair . We must not buy anything help us, come talk to us, "said one of patients who, banner in hand and lying on a stretcher, required the presence of the regional president.

In Humnt since last week, physicians are present only in the areas of pediatric emergency adults, childbirth and intensive therapy but all outpatient consultations were suspended in Salary Improvements Claim and staffing of hospital staff.

Pediatrician Manuel Velásquez said Cocuyo Effect that patients spontaneously declined for protest accompanied by their parents .

"What a shame for this government for us Venezuelan doctors because we are a country that has everything to give a lavish life of peace and progress to Venezuelans Here we are the doctors who accompany our patients as we have always done. "

Nuñez Tovar unemployed

Another patient said that 39, he had been in the Humnt for almost two months, received four times the date of operation but is not allowed in the operating room. "I do not get drugs my family does not have the resources to buy them, doctors and nurses try to treat us and do our best for us."

One of the people affected who is also held in the region of Traumatology said she was two months and 16 days to wait for surgery . "Run fast, I have two girls and they're waiting for me at home."

The CEV supports nurses and tells them that "they are not alone" after a month of unemployment

Photograph: Jefferson Civira- @JeffCivira

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