Pattie Boyd told Taylor Swift what it was like to be married to George Harrison


Pattie Boyd was a direct witness of the "beatlemania" that captivated the world in the mid-1960s, he lived it in his own flesh. The actress met George Harrison in 1964, in the midst of filming " A Hard Day's Night ". Two years later, he married the Beatles guitarist in the Epsom registry in Surrey, to the eyes of the world. Brian Epstein and Paul McCartney were godfathers. John Lennon and Ringo Starr were not because they were on vacation

  Pattie with George Harrison
Pattie with George Harrison

In an interview with Taylor Swift, for Harper & # 39; s Bazarre, Boyd remembered what it was like to live with a Beatle: " Absolutely terrifying I could see the Beatles playing in a theater in London, and George m & # I said that I had to leave with my friends before the last issue, so before the last song, we got up and walked to the nearest exit There was these girls behind me They followed us, kicked us and even threw my hair "

  Pattie Boyd, special in the August issue of Harper's & # 39; Bazarre
Pattie Boyd, special in the August issue of Harper's Bazarre.

She told that on one occasion, she presented an exhibition of photos that he took during the filming of "A Hard Day's Night" and many

  Boyd in his marriage with Eric Clapton
Boyd in his marriage with Eric Clapton

His love story is also known with another famous musician, Eric Clapton, who was a friend of the couple. In 1974, Pattie left Harrison to finish with the "god" of the guitar, which she married in 1979. They did not last long, barely three years, but Clapton dedicated to him some songs like "Layla" and "Wonderful night ".

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