PDVSA sells lubricants this Friday in Poliedro


.N .- A special day of lubricants sales will take place this Friday Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm in the afternoon in El Poliedro de Caracas.

"During this day, you can buy oils for private gasoline powered vehicles, products made in Venezuela that meet the highest quality standards under specialized certification, distributed in safety packaging", State oil company through the social network Twitter.

Interested persons must wear the vehicle's identity card and registration card. The drivers will be able to acquire the corresponding quantity of liters, according to the cylinders of the vehicle

The first step will be to record the data with the operator, then make the payment at the point of sale and finally withdraw the product.
] "In favor of the people and against speculation, today is the first day of sale of lubricants at fair price in the polyhedron of Caracas, activity for private vehicles with gasoline engine", a added PDVSA in another message.


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