Pediatric Zone Hospital del Tuy collapsed after the overflow of sewage


The pediatric area of ​​the Tuy Valley General Hospital, in the state of Miranda, collapsed after the toilets overflowed.

The area was evacuated and patients were taken to the 3rd floor, parents and workers "There is no drinking water, a tanker arrived and parents and staff carry water in slides and bottles, up the stairs, on the third floor, towards the hospital. the bathrooms ", informed the journalist Jean Carlos Rodríguez.

In addition, Rodriguez pointed out that the situation is serious, the parents of the patients seize the rainwater to clean the bathrooms and the rooms Flies abound everywhere and the lack of medical care is obvious.

He points out that for months the workers at the health center warned that this was going to happen and that the government's response was to remove the directive and not not solve the problems 19659004] This adds to the problem that is evident in the hospital last weekend the facilities were 20 hours without power.

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