Peña Nieto asked Pompeo to bring together migrant families


The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, has asked the US delegation visiting the country, led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to reunite families of separated migrants at the border, informed the Presidency of the Republic

"The President asked the Secretary of State the rapid reunification of separated families at the border and stressed the need to find a permanent alternative that favors the well-being and rights of minors ", indicates the presidential office in a bulletin after a closed meeting

The statement said that at the meeting, at the official residence of Los Pinos, they also talked about the negotiation of the Free Agreement North American exchange and elections for the presidency of the 1st of July, a day that Peña Nieto described as exemplary and won by the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

appears with Pompeo they traveled to Mexico M, the secretary to the Treasure, Steven Mnuchin; National Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen; and the son-in-law and presidential advisor, Jared Kushner.

"At the meeting, the head of the Mexican executive expressed concern about the policy of separation of migrant families put in place by the US government". Since last April, nearly 3,000 children have been separated from their parents. The White House has decided to adopt a zero-tolerance policy against immigrants who have entered the border illegally with Mexico, a measure finally suspended in mid-June. received. However, family reunification has not been completed, denouncing several social organizations.

Peña Nieto is also worried about events such as the recent California attack on a 92-year-old Mexican citizen having his legal home in the United States. . The president pointed out that these incidents fuel "a climate of hate and racism that must be avoided".

In addition to these accusations, he welcomed the delegation and acknowledged the interest of the US government in engaging in a high-level dialogue. In trade, the two governments agreed to constructively advance the renegotiation of the Free Trade Agreement, which came into effect in 1994 between Mexico, the United States and Canada. Peña Nieto emphasized the desire of the Mexican executive to continue the negotiation with the goal of finalizing it as soon as possible.

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