Peru: Huachipa Zoo welcomes two white lions for the first time | Pictures | Photo 1 of 5 | Lima


Two white cubs, a rare species in danger of extinction, were introduced this Thursday at Huachipa Zoo in Lima after being born in captivity in Mexico .

The cats, a four-month-old female and a five-year-old male, have completed a quarantine period and received this Thursday for the first time the public tours of Lima to contemplate their distinctive white fur.

"They are in good condition, they arrived in Lima in return for scientific and conservation purposes," said AFP the head of the zoo press, Pilar Fernández.

Each pup weighs about 50 kilos and eats five kilograms of beef and chicken a day, says his guard Amadeo Hermosa who says that, despite their young age, they show characteristics of their nature [19659008] The Lima Zoo distributed penguins from Humboldt in exchange, indicated Fernández without specifying the amount.

The Vet Celia Díaz Head of Education Zoo explained that white lions differ from albinos in that they have eye color and that the white color of their skin is due to a recessive inhibitory gene that acts in the same way in the case of white tigers.

"This species is very rare and is in danger of extinction," said the specialist, noting that the population of white lions in the world does not exceed a thousand.

In their environment, specially conditioned for them with elements that simulate their natural habitat of the African savannah, the two lions have green spaces, small meadows and a pond of water to feed, rest, to romp, rest and sleep. agreement with the EFE agency.

With its exhibition, the Zoo of Huachipa wants to warn its visitors of the rarity of this species, so that they are aware of the need for its conservation.

] Zoo launched on social networks such as Facebook a campaign to name the two lions that will end on August 16, date on which both copies will be baptized.

Source: AFP / EFE

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